I met Jared on my trip to LA last summer. He the man, we listen to similar punk shit and moshed in the airbnb playing Bad Brains while Augie was plumb leveled on the ground getting tattoo’d by Chris. Here Jared is doing a very very stylish one hand table in the metro.
Straight from Chile to BCN we have Shadow/Subrosa’s Joaquin Awad who fucked his ankle up at the McDonald's ledges. First flick on the cam.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because
of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different
Here we have Everyones Fuckin owner Trevvy AKA Burnt Hype AKA mr Peak AKA sir siklox. In front of Nevermind. With on the background us stressing how packed the metro was. Classic classic classic.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because
of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different countries pulled up in the same period. At the time parallel was packed with over 50 riders in the night. Only a few were riding. And it was not a jam.For FVR I bought myself a kodak throwaway cam out
Me, Sauce and Trevor were last man standing again after a night at the well-known Nevermind bar. We decided to go on an adventure in the street. After getting a ticket for drinking behind Macba we went to another spot. Ended up at Universität plaza and we met a guy with this ducktaped Les Paul guitar. As a musician we had the best jams at 4 in the night. Me and Trev did moshpits and stagedives off the curb on the plaza. While sauce and Brussels Stijn Hens were talking about American food.
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because
of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from
In the end of January I went to Barcelona for a month again. Yearly winter escape because of the shitty weather all the time in Hollandia. This time a lot of different squads from different countries pulled up in the same period. At the time parallel was packed with over 50 riders in the night. Only a few where riding. And it was not a jam.
For FVR I bought myself a kodak throwaway cam out there. It had 30 flicks. A couple fucked up but I’m still happy with the result. 3 days in a row I uploaded the gallery. [UNO / DOS / TRES] ALL PHOTOS ARE ANALOG !
With the amigos from the Common Crew we did a lot of diverse shit during my trip. These two pics are