…..I don’t even know where to begin. This was the best bike contest ever at the Factory Skatepark and maybe the best contest here, period. 56 Riders came out and destroyed the place, competing in Park, Vert, Bunnyhop, and High Air on the 11 foot quarter.
Talem Cowart started the day off right by bunnyhopping an astounding 46 inches, earning himself an unofficial world record by ½ an inch (for an official record, the equipment would have had to be exactly calibrated). The High Air event was a huge crowd favorite since they were allowed onto the course to watch from the base of the huge quarterpipe. Of the eight competitors, North Carolina’s
Alex Johann and semi-local
Kyle Kelsey were the two top dogs; Alex topped out at 9 feet but exploded upon re-entry. Kyle made it to eight and a half and rode away clean, pulling the win.