Hello world! STONED STREET is a crew from ESTONIA/FINLAND who rides together and make some Street Jams happening over here. Also we are filming our full length movie, what should be out 01/2019. Due winter time, we decided to make lil mixtape from couple of indoors in Estonia/Finland and this came out! Also wanted to welcome to the team these young riders, Estonian Karel Kaldasaun and Finnish Henri Laiho! Cheers bros!
Riders Crew: Martti Lainevool, Joona Peijari, Patrick Alaspää, Henri Laiho, Karel Kaldasaun, Ragner Trepp Friends: Timmo Haapalainen, Juuso Peijari, Juuso Myllymäki, Ablaye Ndiaye, Waly Ndiaye. Filmed by Patrick Alaspää, Karel Kaldasaun and Ragner Trepp Edit by Ragner Trepp
Come ride at our jams: Helsinki Street Jam is 09/06/18 Tallinna Street Jam is 21/07/18 www.stonedstreet.com