Follow the two riders @dumblebars @bigt_la_legendebmx also S/O to our supporter @la.cribs bike shop doing all those daily maintenance on our bikes and also S/O to killemall BMX Distribution @killemallbmx for supporting @dumblebars and for getting the good stuff like BSD and Animal bmx parts to Canada. Also S/O to you guys at Dig for supporting us by sharing our videos in the last few years. Thank you.
Thanks, Arnaud
Song: in the video is the instrumental off this song - YungManny by Moana
Camera : Arnaud P.Paquin, Alexandre Thérien, Pierre-Luc Massé, Vlad Poloukhine, Dillon Lloyd
Montage : Arnaud P. Riders : Alexandre Thérien & Arnaud P.Paquin
Also spécial S/O @Vlad_p_films @importedbmx for always hanging at the park and helping to film clips !
And spécial S/O to Buck Men @Dilllloyd for pushing on us to progress lol