Some riders were located in areas that were allowed to go out, and some, like Lewis we confined to only is driveway.
We asked a few our team guys to go out, to have some fun, get some sun, and try to get whatever clips they could with their phones, gopros, or cameras.
This is Vol:1 and we'll continue with this Subrosa mixed team videos to help keep our guys on their bikes, and to help with your boredom until we can all hit the road and shred together.
Riders in Vol 1 include Bjarki Hardarson, Mark Burnett, Mo Nussbaumer, Joris Coulomb, Rim Nakamura, Jabe Jones, Trey Jones, Miguel Smajli, Lewis Colascione, Louis Otto, Juani Zurita, and Coco Zurita.
Filmed by
Edited By Ryan Chadwick