It first aired on November 16, 2000. The crash of Jai was from 1995 in the early days of ' New Posh' , but the rest of the added footage was from 1999 when we were filming for ecd 4. Real TV ran from 1996 to 2001 and one was of the pioneers and leaders in the Blooper / Crazy / Outrageous / Documentary / News / Reality TV televisions shows. The show sent out 2 guys to interview us early on a Sat. morning, and I was so hungover I couldn't form a good thought or sentence. They cut all of the footage out of me in the interview, but J-Bone pulled his answers off nicely. These dudes were expecting us to do some kind of early morning trick show for them to get more footage but that wasn't happening. halol. Ahmad Rashad was a former pro bowl NFL player with the Vikings and hosted the show in 2000 and 2001. Jai and I must've licensed this crash anywhere from 10 to 15 times to different shows over the years. It was crazy, once we were in the loop the clip went viral from show to show. These shows were YouTube before there was YouTube.