In 2015, Daisuke Shiraishi who is the director moved from his home town Ehime to Tokyo. He started the creation of “CROSSOVER” based in Tokyo. This is the culmination of the five years of focusing on BMX riders with his camera all around the world from Japan, Asia, USA, Europe and various places. Starring Japanese domestic sponsored riders, creative riders, legendary riders from around the world and riders who have been hiding in the shadows.
The soundtrack has been provided by DJs, Track makers that Daisuke met during his travels around the world. In addition, there are also soundtracks created just for “CROSSOVER”. Focusing not only on BMX riders, “CROSSOVER” is a completely original BMX movie bringing artists from different genres together from Sound, Photography, Graphics and much more.
“Crossover of generations and national borders, BMX riders from all over the world come together.”
Number of riders: 98
Shooting period : 2015-2021
Project Member Countries: Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, United States, Canada, England, Belgium, France, Australia