I managed to fit in 5 five days of riding over the course of the trip while catching the last days of summer weather in each country. Mostly filmed between 1 session in Zürich and 1 session in Copenhagen. It was a whirlwind tour with a smashed fisheye/camera, injured ankle, plenty of beverages, and some other hassles but overall too good not to document the spot tourism and good times. It was great to capture the memories on the little dirty dad cam Canon XA20 and my phone.
Nazomer is a Dutch word for what we’d call Indian Summer in the US and seemed fitting while I edit these memories on a rainy and cold work trip in Amsterdam thinking back to the good times on the last trip. Huge thanks to Zeno, Georg, Keno, Jacob, Toby, Benny, and the whole Sinco Crew and scene in Milan. Thanks to everyone that picked up the camera and filmed especially. Big thanks for support from Stash BMX (best shop in Taiwan), and Odd Circus Footwear for the kicks.
Georg Senger
Mark lanfranconi
Ruud Heuvelmans
Keno Röller-Siedenburg
Zeno Lehmann
Robin Slootmaker
Robin Slootmaker