UCI BMX Freestyle Park World Cup live replay. FISE CHENGDU 2017.
Watch as the BMX world joins Gabe's family to celebrate his life. Riders include Ty Morrow, Dakota Roche, Augie Simoncini, Sean Ricany, Colin Varanyak, and many more. Big thanks to Peep Game and Thee Block for making this happen. RIP, GABE!
Friends section from TMVII DVD (The Michigan Video 2). Footage from 2014-2017.
Filmed by Alex Burnside and Cory Wiergowski.
It's moments like these that make it all worthwhile. Jimmy Levan has been a hero for us at DIG and graced the pages of our magazine from the earliest of days, sending street riding in a whole other direction since Road Fools 1 with those enormous gaps in all sorts of wild outfits. Not only did he create a brand and home for the loosest of riders, and entertained us all through numerous episodes of Props with his antics, but he had an equally outrageous string of accidents that could have ended his life.
The French Wild Card Winner was ambitious this year but unfortunatly Emeric got hurt the week before during the Street Station. Emeric gave his best & with solid riding clips from Vincent they made this nice vid, entirely filmed with a iPhone 8.
We joined two of the top women's BMX athletes in the world, Cory Coffey and Nikita Duccaroz, for a ride around Budapest and discussed why it's an exciting time for women's BMX.
BMX is not just a bike. It changed my life to the better way! THANK YOU BMX!
Brandon Begin's section from our "FIT HORROR PICTURE" released last Halloween.
Warum bis zur Rente warten, bevor man damit anfängt, das Leben zu genießen? Das hat sich auch der kunstform-Teamfahrer Sven Avemaria gefragt und ist vor einem guten Jahr zu dem Entschluss gekommen, das es höchste Eisenbahn für ihn ist, sich eine Auszeit von seinem Bankkaufmanndasein zu gönnen, um mehr Zeit für das Leben im Allgemeinen und BMX im Speziellen zu haben.
Every Halloween Shawn Shimkets has invited anyone who was down to come ride his rather epic backyard trail setup. This year it just so happened to be over 90 degrees and absolutely perfect outside...well, possibly a bit hot when you're riding in a gorrila suit. Nothing crazy here...just a dope backyard setup, friends, and some laughs.
Nate and Mike tried to get a session in during the recent heatwave and grabbed a few clips for the tube.
At 32, Pierre is a self made man, doing what he loves 365 days a year. From making furnitures only with palettes wood, being his own boss, to eating beautiful healthy foods, or riding his bike, Pierre is a busy man.
Bunch of homies doing what they love for memory of Gabe Brooks! #RIPGabeBrooks You will never be forgotten.
Riders: Benek, Rybka, Gombek & Kołek