To be honest, we had not ridden dirt at the Sugar Hills all winter. With some shaping (and no time to test) during the week, we were hoping that things would work out for the mini-FAT-JAM. It's a good motivation to fix the trails up as you are inviting people to come ride and they're expecting something rideable when they show up.
With months waiting for sunshine it was the MINI FAT JAM to start with the good weather, so the party started at 3 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. I was surprised to see a poster taped on the Mini ramp says that OJA had a band playing that night: LUPU NEGRU. Never heard of the band so I thought it couldn't be any good cause they booked them only a couple of days before but when Corné visited my shop he said he was at a Lupu Negru concert the day before and it rocked so I might got it wrong.