Brand: Felt Bicycles
Booth number: 626
Size dedicated to BMX: 50 x 60 total booth
How many BMX bikes did you have at the show: 20 complete bikes
How many BMX workers did you have at the booth: Of course I was in the BMX area the entire time but each sales rep would also walk each dealer through the line. I did my fair share of talking but would basically just hangout and wait for specific detail questions form the reps or dealers. So we had about 20 or so workers doing the entire line and me being 100% BMX.
Did you have any autograph signings going on this year: No, we did not. We thought about it a lot but with the general crowd at Interbike being on the adult side plus add to the fact that
Scotty Cranmer is only 19 yrs old and Vegas is a 21 and over town.
Any other activities to attract dealers/media that involved your brand: Ads in BMX Business News and Bicycle Retailer. Bikes in front entrance display cases with our booth #.
What promo items did you have this year to give to dealers: Lanyards and t-shirts
What product at your booth drew most attention: On the BMX side, the Sheriff frame. Overall look and new graphics on the bikes were a hit.
Overall impression of Interbike 2006: Really positive! The booth was busy the entire 3 days, even the last day which is usually slow. I did not have a chance to walk the show too much because there was always someone to talk to. The dealers like the new graphics and overall lighter bikes. Very good vibe from every dealer and media person that I talked to, if no one lied to my face then 2007 will be a good year.
Scotty is a huge part of our marketing and more and more people are getting to know more about him and what bikes he rides.