Brand: REDLINE (Seattle Bike Supply)
Booth number: #4113
Size dedicated to BMX: About 75% of our 40x40 booth.
How many BMX bikes did you have at the show: 80 bikes total (not counting Torker Unicycles) .. which about half were BMX-related (Redline). MacNeil was given a corner of our booth, which was obviously BMX oriented.
How many BMX workers did you have at the booth: 22 salesreps working with dealers; 100% of them know BMX and sell BMX to dealers on a daily basis.
Did you have any autograph signings going on this year: Nothing organized –
Bubba Harris and
Kim Hayashi were in our booth at various times and did some meet-and-greet with key dealers and signed some catalogs. Bubba did an organized signing at AXO.
Any other activities to attract dealers/media that involved your brand: We held a “big” press conference with our new sister company – BATAVUS, who will be warehousing Redline bikes in the Netherlands. Together with them, we have arranged to be the official bike of the Dutch national BMX team. It looks to be a great partnership with some of the top Olympic hopefuls and best racers in the World racing on Redline frames.
What promo items did you have this year to give to dealers: Redline swag bags are seen everywhere – we hand out over 3,000 of these bags, which can easily be spotted by their bright redness – in the show or on the strip. Our Dealer Packets are also handed out – which include all of the SBS Catalogs (Redline BMX, Torker, Redline Adult-Performance, SBS Super Saver Specials) and all of our price sheets.
What product at your booth drew most attention: The new LINK series got some great comments, with Redline’s great spec at a killer price, topped off with some really wild colors and hip graphics. Pivotal saddles on our top of the line bikes was a huge plus with our Dealers, and having the MacNeil booth combined A big emphasis at the show this year was put on the new Redline road bike line – which has nothing to do with BMX, unless you use it for training on like Bubba will.
Overall impression of Interbike 2006: INTERbike is always a great show for us – as we keep the presentation sales oriented and focus all-out on our current dealers, and attracting new ones. Unlike many of the booths in the “BMX Zone,” who don’t seem to really care about catering to the tens of thousands of shop owners and creating sales, we at Redline continue to grow our brand each year and increase our market share in BMX.