We all want BMX bikes in the parks worldwide and people are working on this to make it happen. This is one for Park Owners and Councils to respond to. Please read Australia's Mike Daly's text first and then fill in the Survey. Only serious people need apply.
I think its important for BMX that we get as many official BMX friendly responses to this park survey as possible as Portland is one of the main sources of anti BMX feeling in the US (and the world!) This problem of BMX vs Skate is starting to spread, we are hearing more complaints from skaters in Australia due to the problems in the USA. If you could forward the survey form to any councils or park owners that you work with, I think it would be great to get as much positive feedback to these guys as possible.
If we can get Portland to allow BMX at all public parks, I believe that the
rest of the states in the USA will follow and we will be able to forget this
stupid BMX access problem forever, I know I have spent way too many hours of my life putting up arguments for BMX access to skateparks.
Mike Daly
Skateparks & BMX Use
Portland Parks & Recreation is in the process of establishing a management policy for BMX use of it's future skateparks. Portland Parks & Recreation would like to collect information about free-style BMX bike use of skateparks and the attached link is to a questionnaire that should take 5-10 minutes to complete.

The questionnaire asks about their experience with damage, injuries, skater displacement, etc.. This is important stuff for informing the public. I have had 25 cities fill it out over the past three days and I would appreciate any assistance you may be able to lend to this effort. I would appreciate it if you could forward this to the appropriate public agencies you have worked with so we might learn from their experiences as well.
Thanks for helping out. Here are the links:
[url=http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=6583982549]Go to the survey and support BMX[/url]
For more information on Portland's skatepark project, the public process and the proposed system, please go to this [url=http://www.portlandparks.org/Planning/skatepark/index.htm]web-site.[/url]