Company: FBM and Last Call Distro (The Take, Nice Brand, FBM Fixed)
Interbike booth number: 5757 scrunched inbetween Anarchy BMX inc. and Alien Nation.
-Have you decided to be part of the BMX zone this year and why? Yes we will be a part of the BMX Zone, isn't that the most impacting demographic in the cycling industry?
-What new products are you bringing to Las Vegas that people need to check out?

The 2009 FBM completes will be on display. Our entire line of FBM and Take frames all revamped with New Graphics, Colors, and Supertherm tubing, Nice Brand Components, (seats, stems, sprockets, forks and grips), we should have some new sample FBM bars and such as well....
John Lee's Business cards are hot as well....
-Any special activities going on at the booth during the show? John Lee will be smiling, and providing friendly customer service with genuinely positive attitude,
John Paul will be providing commentary on the current ridiculousness of BMX at Interbike and I'll be schmoozing extra hard with people that won't buy anything from us. Hopefully
Mcgoo will stop by for a theatrical diatribe about the Sword frame, and the Jenkem Stem.
-How many people are going to help out in your booth during the show? Big Dave, FBM's head Welder will be on hand to explain how awesome a finely crafted hand built frame is, to people stoked on companies who actually make their own shit,
John Paul and
John Lee will be handling sales based happenings, and I'll be on hand to get in their way and to Hi Fiving FBM supporters.
-Are you actually taking orders at the show or is it more to show products to the dealers and get contacts? We're taking orders on the completes...
-Are any of your riders coming to Interbike? All of our Riders will be riding somewhere, in their local scenes, although I anticipate a very drunk, underage
Nate Richter making the trek from Alberts Turkey New Mexico.....
-Would you think a contest at Interbike would be a good idea since loads of people (industry/riders/media) are there already? As long as I didn't need to be at it, it would probably be awesome!
-What party are you looking forward to? I am really looking forward to the part at NORA cup where you walk in, and
Jeff Z takes a picture of you in front of the Ride BMX back drop, as if we are at a Hollywood movie premiere, it makes me feel like a celebrity. I also like being accosted by Grown ass men, drunk off their necks, acting like a teenage girl drinking Boones Farm. Free Drink Tickets....
-What would make the 2008 edition of Interbike a success for you? Hearing some positive feedback on all the hardwork that goes into the brand...and Making it home alive.