Kunstform bmx shop boss man Daniel Fuhrmann celebrated his 40th birthday in style. Here's to the next 40!
Name shop: kunstform BMX Shop
Location: Stuttgart (Germany)
Years in business: 15 years (since 2003)
Employees: 11
Is running a BMX shop something you've always wanted to do?
kunstform BMX Shop: Actually No! It just happend. I study computer science at the university and the founder Sebastion Pospischil always asked me if I can change some buttons or functions in the web shop. From time to time it got more and more, so I started there my full time job.
What (BMX) shops did you like before you started your own?
kunstform BMX Shop: FlairBMX Shop in Berlin, Busy P in Cologne
Did you do some serious research before you opened up your shop at your location or did you just go for it?