Last weekend we were on the guest list of Nike 6.0 to check out the Nike 6.0 BCN PRO contest in Barcelona and also we were invited to be part of the world wide premiere of the Nike ID PRIMO launch. To be honest it felt a bit unusual to be treated this way in BMX. Flight over, pick up from the airport, checking into the hotel with a welcome package waiting for you, welcome dinner that night, Nike ID Primo launch the morning, the whole nine yards. By noon the next day I had not seen a BCN BMX PRO yet.

And I wasn't alone in this. The whole of BMX media (pretty much) was there. Vital BMX, RideBMX, SoulBMX mag, ZwanzigZoll, Cream, FreedomBMX, Woozy, RIDE UK, DIGBMX, and I'm sure I forgot some. We chilled at the comfy couches for a bit while reading some new BMX magazines and sipping on the drinks trying to get rid of that mega hangover from the night before.

Nike's product development guy held his 10 minute speach showing that people want to have custom things. From the Harley rider who doesn't want his bike to look the same, to the BMX rider who actually thinks likewise. Why do you run a purple stem? Because you like it and your friends don't have it. Nike launced a custom footwear program a while ago but this program takes it a step further.

It lets you pick the cushioning, the width of the shoe, the size per foot and if you want a sticky sole or a hard sole. It goes beyond the colour picking but we ran into a problem there.
I had my mind set on a pair of orange kicks. After the World Cup victory over Brasil it was time for some. But while behind the computer to put a custom pair together, I did not find the orange colour I was looking for.

The colours were limited and even the different types of material couldn't get me to the best colour on earth. The Nike guy helping out with the program said this bright colour kinda looked like orange in real life. Well, my bright orange shoe turned into a black one with some accents in the direction of that bright colour. How orange it will be we've got to wait and see. It's got FATBMX on the back though, on each shoe. Black on black so it's not all too cheesy, but still custom.

And we were off again in the air conditioned bus towards the hotel to pick up the camera gear to head to the big event of the weekend, the Nike BCN BMX PRO. Media treatment to the fullest, but we're not complaining.