Andy Jenkins is having a 15% off on all the new paintings featured on his Bend Press site . And 15% off all the available Wrench Pilot originals. Oh, and the prints, notebooks and all that. Everything is 15% off until November 27th. Also, he'll be adding a few new pieces over the next week, so be sure to surf by on occasion and browse. Wrench Pilot was drawn by Mel Bend and published by Transworld Skateboarding magazine from 1989 through 1991. It was originally concepted as a piece for Thrasher Comics, but was rejected for reasons unknown. Transworld published 23 episodes of Wrench Pilot, before Bend stopped drawing it. The comic made a brief comeback (#24) in the first issue of the rejuvinated Skateboarder Magazine in 2001 and again (#25) in 2004 for the Lakai Footwear company.
Andy wanted to grab your attention by sending the following picture but we think it ain't happening:

Just after Thanksgiving I'm going to jump 1967 Chrysler of some kind over the Averil Park duck pond in San Pedro. I think it'll look something like the photo below, but with trees and probably a few scared ducks...
Andy Jenkins