Caroline Karénine (FR)
Clyde Barrow (UK)

Cristina Petrucci (UK)
Dramatik (TU)
Frank Pellegrino (FR)
Ilhan Bilir (TU)
Ilk (FR)
Jérémy Pradeilles (FR)
MMav (FR)
Marke Newton (UK)
Pablo Iglesias (ES)
Prunelle (FR)
Ramon San Miquel (ES)
Rorofrose (TU)
Spoe (FR)
Xghetto 66 (Mex)
The final list will be closed very soon.
About Burning Ink:
The first edition of Burning Ink was held in Paris at Jeykill’s “Bleu Noir”, the tattoo parlor/gallery in Durantin street, Paris 18th. New York’s Burning Ink took place in Frank’s Chop shop, an incredible barber shop, managed by a young team of creative blades, located in the Lower east side, at Essex street, 19. Berlin’s Burning Ink took place in the downtown venue and well known MadeMyDay collabroom, located at Torstrasse, 66 not far from Alexander Platz. In London, the art show was held at the Beach Gallery in the hip district of Brick Lane in collaboration with Kids Love Ink. Then, in Madrid, « Burning Ink » was celebrated in the area of Malasana at The Wall, in partnership with Pablo Ash from Estigma Tattoo shop