Timo Pritzel runs his own clothing company and has a new T-shirt out with strong BMX roots. You actually should try to name all the brands in there before you check the next page to see the solution. Wait, don't click yet, try a little harder. There are over 10 brands involved so don't think you've got it when you discover parts of three old BMX company logos. Next to this design we will show you two more on the next page. The company is based in Berlin, Germany if you were wondering and the shirts will be available via a webshop on the Atmosfair site soon. Got all the companies on a list?
A y
T -
M ongoose
O binson
S kyway
F ile
A mond back
I ne / kuwahara ha
-R o /
R obinson
-background: Hutch and that "pro triangle" is from Performer.
Here are two more T-shirt designs:
