Also only old school 1980's tunes Blasted throughout.. There was times when people would walk by and say, "what is that thing?" That is when I started to look for old school BMXER dudes and ask if they rode in the 1980's and some would say yeah and I would ask, "When is the last time you've s

There was also some that would say, "I don't wanna go Back!" But I had more little kids than anything, 5-12 years old, which is fine too. I started to throw down a rap to the kids about the colored tires on the bikes and asked if they have ever seen a bike with blue green or pink tires and they just fre

But most of all I stressed how the Hutch Trickstar was the baddest bike that you could have along with the Haro Master and the Redline RL20 II. All in all everyone loved it to the max and gave nothing but complements so thanks to all who came thru.
1 1986 Kuwahara bravo kt

2 1985 Profile prostyler (Help I still need the right handel bars
3 1985 Mongoose fs 1 survivor bike I even left the dirt on it
4 1986 CW racing califorina flyer
5 1985 Reynolds se Quadangle
6 1988 Redline prostyler 20 II (red powder with 1985 sticker set up and color had the back half powdered with extreme chrome)
7 1987 Gt pro perfomer done up real close to a 1985 world tour
8 1984 Hutch trick star survivor f/f,bars,head set and seat clamp powdered in candy red
9 1985 Haro master survivor frame,fork with pegs,bars and seat post
10 1985 90% nos Skyway street beat

-I will not ship the trailer only the bikes
-Please check back for more info and pictures as I will be adding to the auction page as time goes but as for now have fun looking at the past two years of my life . Thanks and hope to hear from you soon! I will entertain certain trades for hotrods, ratrods, Harleys, land up North Wisconsin or What kind of Rad stuff do you have.
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