With much amiability we were in the city of Lima for the first great Dirt Jump event of that was made in that city. Some demos were held a few days ago on the the dirt jumps. After that, Peter Heningsen of www.bmxperu.com and Omar Cosio' de Red Bull contacted us so that we made madnesses after a championship that would have the premises. In demo they were my two brothers,
Mauricio and
Mauricio Mayorga and I, all mounting a little and trying to make a pleasant spectacle for the people who attended the event.

The track which they constructed for the championship was so good and trickable, that the best thing of each one left suddenly, and the public and the premises could see the best thing of us.
Mauricio Ospina did some of his newest tricks. Double whip in the second jump.
Manolo Credit Vargas Of Mauricio Mayorga I believe that they saw everything almost, many 360s combined with barspins, super flow with variations, backflips turndowns, 360 tailwhips and until a double whip that towards little had tried in the jumps of Cali.
"Junior" like Mayorga did everything, some flipwhips, 360s tailwhips, whips double cancan, superman seatgrabs and some backflips no-handers.

This was the first time that we were invited to do a demo in another country, and I believe that it could not leave better, here in Colombia we have done some we give in dirts, but not like the one of the week last in the event of Motorola and Red Bull. And he is that everything quick so that we could mount so well, that I reached to land all the tricks that I tried, that in a competition had regularly not done. Between which I did was a few 3whips, seatgrabs Indians, superman nothing and clean doblewhip of pedals. Of the few photos that reached to leave good during demo, she is this one, a little dark but she is reached to see Mayorga in 3whip in the second nose. Manolo Credit Vargas One of that better it mounted and it did true madnesses was Mauricio, that from its arrival to the event knew what would do. In his first passed it did what habitually they have seen him do, only in the end of demo would show because he is one of the best ones, when flip perfect in earth and public landed front for the first time, and later would try his first double Flip whip that nearly it lands.

After the event was a success for the organization, on the following day all we dedicated ourselves to know the city, the premises and some parkes of cement that was close to Lima, and what I saw it impressed because it did not hope to find with people so good sling me, parkes to me constructed and a gorgeous city of Lima so well. By me and on the part of all those that we were there I thank to Peter Heningsen and to Omar Cosio' de Red Bull to invite to us to so good event and to show the beautiful thing to us of its city. I invite them that they enter www.bmxperu.com and they pillen what happened with the Peruvian championship of!!!!.
A day beings of the event all were practicing much, from the premises to the guests of here, junior was one of which more amount, and appears here in tailwhip in the second jump.
Credit Mauricio Castro "Grandfathers" Just as the other mauricio a little everything previously to the event was trying, aqui we see it doing his first front flips in dirt.
Credit Jonathan Ospina Mauricio and Peter passing it well in a commercial center of Lima.
Credit Mauricio Castro "Grandfathers" 
While the noses affirmed and all warmed up to have late of dirt, jonathan, osea I, I was trying a few whips to combine it despues with superman, at the end of the session I threw one and it left to me.
Credit Mauricio Castro "Grandfathers"
Between all the good things that there was in the championship of the premises, he was this backflip altisimo of Peter, who despues of three rounds I remain with the second place of the aid.
Credit Jonathan Ospina Good, and here some premises that participated in the championship next to the Colombians once finished the event. Manolo
Credit Vargas Adrenalin, the program of extreme sports of Telemundo was in the championship covering everything and Mayorga was one of the interviewed people, so they wait for the next adrenalin program with a little dirt Colombian.
Credit Jonathan Ospina And this we did not find way to parke in miraflores, to nosostros caused much grace, I also hope that you to us.
Credit Mauricio Castro "Grandfather"