Amount and Quality walk together with ABBMX.
-Well done
-Very organized
-Well structured
-Well supervisoned
-Well accompanied
Those are some of the adjectives of a great objective reached in the event of Carapicuiba 2006, see the images registered by the photographers of ABBMX, and in the best sites of BMX of Brazil . The Pictures speak for themselves! Any text of the best writer would not get to describe the emotion and pleasure of seeing so much people and so many friends that love BMX.

ABBMX once again overcomes with this event, happy and proud of one more well done work but with the enough humility to want to get even better. ABBMX is all gratitudes to the Municipal City hall of Carapicuiba, Mayor Fuad for supporting this event of Dirt Jump where the mayor destined that area practices of sports in front of all presents and TV channels . Now it is with the local community to collect that!

The implementation was due to the Secretary of Communication
Mr. Guilherme Viana and his team, that he took care of all the details, the equip of the ambulances were excellent. With this fact and this open door we waited with that extimular the to happen more events there, so much for ABBMX as with the athletes places, events, competitions and even JAMs. A work well done in partnership with city halls and the government's entities that seeks the good of the athletes and in this spectacular event of Carapicuiba supported by the Mr. Secretary of Esportes
Nathanael Alvez, that since the first instant in the presentation meeting focus to value the athletes and the youth, the General office of Sports of Carapicuiba has a special person in control, we of the Sport BMX style Free from Brazil only have to thank Mr. Nathanael and his team.

The ramps were restructured by athletes
Cesar SK8,
Murilo Dacilius and
Marcelo Ribeiro. The Pros doubles are about 7 meter space between lauch and landing ramps with 2,50 high and they are waiting for vc there for a session in the caracas place, and I remind the sentence of an old friend;
who doesn't dig doesn't ride!

For this ramp session BMXers performer went haul of the national patterns, the winner of the Pro class was
Maike Moura that lifted the bleachers when me I began to speak about him, all there were already familiarized with the athlete that defended the Carapicuiba City flag, the crowd went to the delirium, so much with the champion as all the participants early morning the crowd was very participant and it vibrated to each jump and trick, when it came to amateur it was style, you know is always, in PRO, using slang, the guys were with blood in the eyes, a lot of concentration and competition was a lot of style and a true one competition, second for
Leandro Overal and third
Danilo Bad Boy who did thad unbeleiveble trick 360 tripe barspin to x-up followed by
Eber Temperam from Argentina
Maike Moura made all the possible, flip double bar spin, flip whip, double whip and many other.

Ah lets me to eulogize the
Amador Wanderson TEO winner athlete, that rides very well and he has everything for being a great name in BMX of the world, congratulations
TEO the companies that want to sponsor or to support keep an eye for the amateur athletes because they have claw and a lot of determination.
Supports and Sponsor of DIRT JUMP 2006 ABBMX CARAPICUIBA with products for award the trophies were with it Designates of German of Refactor.
-Doctor Bike
-Master Bikes

-Impact Bike
-Pro X
-Bike Zone
-ESPN Brasil
That event has a lot of thing that happened before, during and he/she will have a lot of thing still for front, who knows, when he/she gives a time I make a diary of that everything, be always informed and attentive to the sites of BMX, A great hug and God blesses her/it all I am
Paulo Charaba. ABBMX Brazil.