On 18 .03 it was the dicipline Flatland that illuminated the arena with the presence of more than 60 Flatlanders and the technical judges of Flatland, Cleybon, Koy and Andre Ramon were perfect, which in the format Jam session evaluated.1st Rômulo Jacinto Guerra deservedly-Nova Iguaçu-RJ with splendorous sessions and in 2nd Sérgio Ricardo Balu-Guarujá-SP with tricks and movements unspeakeble, 3rd Anderson Rogério Alves-Bauru-SP it was style and constant.

In 4th we saw Leonardo Clear-Guarulhos-SP flatlander a lot concentrated and with a clean and beautiful line 5th Rogério Gonçalves-Saot Miguel-SP a long time out of the champs,he showed up for showing that it came and he will give work because he is a very nice style and with new tricks a lot dificult and he is from ZL, my area rsrs. 60 Flatlanders participated
FLATLAND CLASSIFICAtion FINAL - OPEN 1º Rômulo Jacinto Guerra – Nova Iguaçu-RJ
2º Sergio Ricardo Balu-Guaruja-SP
3º Anderson Rogério Alves-Bauru-SP
4º Leonardo Claro-Guarulhos-SP
5º Rogério Gonçalves –SP-SP
6º Lisias Tabarelli – Piracicaba-SP
7º Luiz Santos Arroz-SP-SP

8º Rafael Araújo-Barata-São Vicente-SP
9º Hilton Lins-SP-SP
10º Bruno Morotti-Zebu-Penapolis
2º Jorge Nascimento-Tyson-Itaperuna-RJ
3º Flavio Fernandez-Itumbiara-GO
4º Diego Parrini-SP-SP
5º Douglas Ribeiro-São Vicente
6º Marcos Moliena-SP-SP
7º Miguel Freitas-SP-SP
8º Willim Lemes-Gordinho-SP
9º Leonardo Araújo-Leo-SP
10º David Oliveira - Pema –SP