The flatland in Brazil demonstrates great evolution. Currently some athletes compete in international tests with excellent results. In 2006 happens de first national championship with 40 participants, organized for Confederação Brasileira de Ciclismo (CBC) with promotion of the specialized site BMX Press . The number of practitioners of the modality grew significantly and they call the attention the media.
“Finally we popularize the sport”, says
Gustavo Dias, director of CBC. Dias also commemorates the increase in the number of sponsors.
“To invest in flat, currently, offers financial return”, he affirms. With the consolidation of the modality, the CBC decided to demonstrate its social responsibility.

In the last weekend (09/01-02), the second stage of the national championship was disputed in the streets of São Paulo, bigger city of the country. The central region of the city was chosen, for if dealing with a place inhabited for homeless children, consumers of drugs. One is also about region with high index of crime.
“We want to present flat as a chance for these boys” says
Dias. The experience was a success. Hundreds of boys and girls inhabitants of the region if had joined, made an impression, to appreciate the maneuvers.
“This is amazing”, it vibrated
Jose de Oliveira, 12 years old, homeless it has 3 years. During all the day the public followed the competition in the street.
“The first step was of that it was to awake the interest of the boys”, commemorates Dias. The intention now is to insert the boys in the sport. The CBC plans to carry through, in set with the competitions in the streets, courses for fans. Also it will have campaigns to offer to bikes and equipment for the homeless boys.
“In Brazil, all the activities have obligation to contribute for the development of the country and we are making our part”, it finishes Dias.

To 2nd Stage of BMX Freestyle Brazilian Circuit was a success! The disputes happened in the city of São Paulo, but inside of the city and close of all of the means that the metropolis offers (and not in the periphery, as it happened with the World championship of UCI) On Saturday, September 2, the competition happened downtown, close to the Station “Luz” of trains and subway, in an of the historical and more traditional places of São Paulo.
In the preliminary phase, 32 defiant athletes struggled to get if classifies and to conquer the 12 vacancies that would give right to stay in the competition and to face the put best of the 1st Stage (the first stage happened in the month of May, in Brasília-DF - capital of the country). The great winner of the preliminary phase was
Daniel Silva, who traveled more than 3.000 kilometers, of the state of Ceará (northeast of Brazil) to compete in São Paulo. See the classification of Saturday:
1° Daniel Silva - Fortaleza / CE
2° Bruno Morotti "Zebu" - Penápolis / SP
3° Lísias Tabarelli - Piracicaba / SP
4° Rafael Araújo "Barata" - São Vicente / SP
5° Rogério Gonçalves - São Paulo / SP
6° Helon César Gomes - Rio de Janeiro / RJ
7° Edson Machado "Guedes" – Pouso Alegre / MG
8° Anderson Rogério Alves - Bauru / SP
9° Carlos Eduardo "Chapolim" - Rio de Janeiro / RJ
10° Minoru Fujita - Mogí das Cruzes / SP
11° Ricardo Lima "Alemão" - Itapevi / SP
12° Olivando Vieira "Choquito" - Barueri / SP
13° Anderson Batista "Andy" - Barueri / SP
14° Vladimir Leoneti "Vlad" - Diadema / SP
15° Rodolfo Alexandre Conde - São Paulo / SP 
On Sunday, athlete
Sérgio Ricardo "Balú", that it had been the 3rd better in Brasília, it didn't compete, therefore it is in France, disputing an international tournament. Therefore, they entered in track alone 17 athletes (12 in Saturday + the better of the 1st Stage 5). you die Them of Sunday, September 3, they were accomplished at a square of the neighborhood Vila Mariana, with bleachers and good accommodations for the athletes. It rained and it did very cold during the last 10 days in São Paulo. However, Saturday afternoon and during Sunday (the days of the championship) there were sun and heat.
After a lot of competitiveness and touching maneuvers, they arrived to final, for the decisive duels:
Rômulo Guerra against
Anderson Rogério Alves;
Luiz from Santos "Arroz" against
Leonardo Claro;
Daniel Silva against
Bruno Morotti "Zebu";

In the end, the champion of the 2nd Stage was
Rômulo Guerra again, of the city of Nova Iguaçu - RJ. The 2nd best was the beginner
Bruno "Zebu", of the city of Penápolis - SP In 3rd it was
Luis dos Santos "Arroz", of the city of Taboão da Serra - SP They completed the podium the athletes:
Anderson Alves (4rd),
Daniel Silva (5th) and
Leonardo Claro (6th).
Ranking Brazilian 2006 for the modality Flatland, after to 2nd Stage, it is that:
1 - Rômulo Guerra: 18 points
2 - Luis "Arroz": 12 points
3 - I Polish "Zebu": 7 points
4 - Sérgio Ricardo "Balú": 5 points
5 - Leonardo Claro: 5 points
6 - Hilton Moura "Perón": 4 points
7 - Anderson Alves: 4 points
8 - Daniel Silva: 3 points
9 - Gilson of Souza: 2 points 
Still competitions will be accomplished in the city of Santos (coast of the state of São Paulo), in October. And to 4th and last Stage of BMX Freestyle Brazilian Circuit / Flatland will happen in the month of November, in Rio de Janeiro. Among the main maneuvers presented by the winners, it is prominence:
Rômulo Guerra: he began with a lardyard (rear) to jump steam roller to circle-k for half packer (front), and it presented about two variations of different maneuvers in very well dominated in his participation.
Bruno "Zebu": karl cruiser to hitchiker to karl kruiser 360 kick flip, and later it still showed: karl kruiser for halfpacker for backpacker for halfpacker for back bike wip for halfpacker again and it concluded with hitchiker cross footed.
More info on the BMX Press website