As the weather was mostly cold and rainy we rode indoors, Lot8 and Cloud9. Hannu's bike arrived after 2 days, by this time he was getting used to TM
Andy's ride. He was brakeless this time. Good sessions went down with the locals, including
Tom Stober, Jamie Bestwick, Andy Alvarez and a few visiting pros. One of them being
Mike Spinner who does 7's to get warmed up and has the most dialled footjam-tailwhips.
Hennon rode for short periods of time, but they were all like a comp.

Balls out and super high on everything...
A.Barbero was training every day, unfortunately he rolled his ankle towards the end of our Woodward stay. He decided not to make the trip with us down to Greenville, but to fly home to Italy and get it checked out. Get well soon!
Tobias was shredding whenever he wanted, pulling the hugest superman-seatgrabs, while
Bruno learnt tailwhips and was annoying from then on. Imagine how stoked you would be, riding Woodward at the age of 14.
Axel and I were pushing each other, Axel pulled a few sick tuck-360s, I got turndown-flips and the new fashion-handplant- thing.
Hennon was doing these into a barspin too.
Jean-Marie rode vert with the big dogs and
Achim was Mr. Tuck-nohand-flip. The weather was sunny the last day, so we were able to ride the Cage, which was a treat!! That day ended with a storm, which turned into heavy snowing the morning we left for Greenville. 12 hours on the road...
Ben Shenker

Pics by:
-Daniel Kralik
- Andy Zeiss
-Daniel Etter