One more ramp was waiting for the Tour Dur Laarbeek posse, the one with the extension situated on the Bosscheweg in Aarle-Rixtel. After the three stops earlier in the day the final stop had lost a bit of its energy but
Leroy Keunen made up for it on stage. His band did not want to leave before he saw a pit. He did get his pit and people from out of town were wondering what was going on here.

A live band, a pit, mini ramp contest, and no police all day. Well, that's Laarbeek.

The tractor had made it, the bus kept rolling, the generator was still running and the fourth live band made sure there was enough noise for the comp.
The riders got back into it and
Anel Latifovic pulled some more turndowns and tailwhips.
Stuart Gibson went high and spun 540-s with ease.
Michael v/d Lee enjoyed riding his "home ramp" and when
Pim van den Bos actually rode, he went off.

9 tailwhips back to back, stuff like that. Waldemar had to leave early to catch a train back home. With all fours stops counting for the overall win,
Tim Frijters had the best papers. He was present at each stop and although he did not have the highest score at every ramp, he came out the overall winner of the Tour Dur Laarbeek in the BMX advanced class. To put the icing on the cake Tim pulled a sweet fufanu on the back rail in Aarle. Congrats.
Tour Dur Laarbeek Results Advanced BMX:1. Tim Frijters

2. Stuart Gibson
3. Anel Latifovic
4. Pim van den Bos
5. Michael van der Lee
6. Waldemar
7. Joeri
8. Riccardo Moes
9. Daniel Wijsmuller
BMX beginner class riders had a little jam session together at the ramp in Ale. Always good for motivation. The end results after four stops looked like this:
Tour Dur Laarbeek Results Beginner BMX:1. Davy Beekmans

2. Joost Challa
3. Timo van Lierop
4. Joep Smits
5. Max Moerlands
6. Steven Goertemoeller
7. Luuk van Meerakker
8. Ed
9. Kees
10. Lex Vereijken (get well soon Lex)
Sponsors donated prizes so everyone left with at least some goodies. At this point we were getting ready for the etnies Grounded premiere in OJA, a great way to finish off a full day of BMX.