Paul "Shitner" Kintner rocked the house for the North West and rolled strike after strike. Stew Johnson was another BMX-er with bowling skills and Garrett Byrnes won at our table. After a game of bowling it was off to the Q-zar section downstairs for a Lazer gun fight. After the usual instructions of "Hold the guns with both hands," and "No climbing onthe obstacles" the group was divided in two. It kind of turned into a USA-Europe battle with USA in neon orange and the other team in blue. Most of the players played for the first time and didn't know what to do or how it worked but figured it out towards the end of the game. By that time everyone was sweating like a pig and it turned out that the orange team won (damnit).
Dave Mavro showed his BMW car driving skills (steering wheel on the right) and drove us to the next place where even though there was no contest, a Gibson guitar was given to the rider of the week. The riders got to vote for one person who they thought rode the best during the week in the barn, during practice on the course and at the Decoy trails. It turned out that 34 year old Brian Foster impressed most of the riders and he received a new electric guitar. We heard there's a band in the works but it could take a while.... In his speech BF said that he'll be back for next year to "get it done" and I think everyone else will be back in 2008 to witness a revolutionairy BMX contest in the South West of England. And that includes the two Czech guys who spent 25 hours in the bus to get there.