The Battle in da Club flatland competition series had its second round in Dresden, Germany. Because of expected rain a roof was built to make sure the contest could go on. The wooden floor was attacked in battle style by the invited flatland riders.
Sven Steinbach, Roman Rommel, Stefan Kornely, David Hoffmann, Lasse Suettnig, Alex Guerbig, Steffen Peters and contest organizer
Flo Sailer did not survive the first round. Things heated up in heat two.

Michael Steingraeber and
Sebastian Pospischil were eliminated together with
Sascha Heydeman and
Daniel Hennig.
The semi finals were between
Markus Reich - Waldemar Fatkin and
Chris Boehm - Daniel Fuhrmann.
The final was won by Waldemar who beat Daniel. Third place of the second round of the BIDC 2007 went to Chris Boehm.