Wednesday 5 of december, we arrived to Koweit city, where we visited the event place: Marina Mall. Marina is a beach close to a park and a big mall, there are lots of people on the street. Dirt jumps are on seaside built specially for FISE KUWAIT, it is near the flatland where Mathias Dandois, Alex Jumelin and
Raphael Chiquet can’t wait till the showtime begins in front of the kuwaiti people.
On thursday 6 of December, the contest starts at 4 o’clock pm. We have time to walk the Kuwait city streets. There are lots of buildings, streets are wide and there is several luxurious and sportive cars (4x4, Porsche...). Even the road is a show. We are going to the half pipe for the first pro show with
Tim Eichert and
Benny Kopp (bmx), Terence Bougdour and Jocke Olson (skateboard) as well as Fabiola Da Silva and Takeshi Yasutoko (inline). Riders are noticeable with special tricks. It was ridiculous! Close of day, we are meeting together in the Koweiti “disco night fever bar club” that is to say an hookah bar.

Everyone with is own one, happily seated we notice the road show with amazing cars. Nobody is drunk, nobody is naked ass on the roadside...nobody plays with Koweiti law! Alcohol is banned! It is better to respect their tradition.

Friday 7 of december, 1 o’clock pm, it is the end of bmx qualifications. It is the time of skateboard, roller and bmx finals. Friday in this country is the “lord’s day” at home, so a huge amount persons have a snack in the park close to the event. We are swallow up in the crowd all day! finalist encouraged by inhabitants. Good mood and good atmosphere! We conclude contest by bmx finals, lots of stunts and bikes are flying. It is amazing.
Omar al-Zouabi returned to defend his place. But unlucky for him he had a bad fall and he went to the hospital! Don’t worry, nothing serious only a plaster...The winner of BMX is
Ali Amer, he’ll come to FISE MONTPELLIER.

End of contests, on the skatepark, with a pro show in inline, skateboard and bmx.
Nicolas Cambon, French bmx rider makes a nice flair in the middle ramp, 360° Xup and big tail whip on table. He makes an ice pick on the skatepark safety fence. Then a show in flatland where FISE 2007 finalists
Alex Jumelin,
Raphaël Chiquet and
Mathias Dandois are very limber and technical with their bikes. Good level for our eyes ! They invited a koweiti inhabitant to do the show with them, it is
Saad, it is the only guy to practice flatland bmx in koweit city!

Now we are going to the half pipe, crowd is impatient, this discipline is longed for. Lots of tricks on Marina Mall, small presentation of each riders and Terence beginns with big air kick flip, Jocke is the flying man, Tim does flair and Benny is ridiculous with nice 540°. The beautiful Fabiola Da Silva charms koweiti with 540°, 540°flat spin, back flip 720° and she tries flat spin 900°. Takeshi goes at a great altitud, 360° soul, enormous 720° and several tricks. He conclude by a double flat spin. Thanks Takeshi!
On the beach with the last show of the day, the bmx dirt,
Bibi, Nicolas Cambon, Louis Peyre, Sofian Blanluet, Vincent Massardier and
Alex Dropsy get in...we notice front flip by sofian and Vince, back flip whip from Air Bibi, 270° whip of Louis on the hip...koweiti riders make show too and we can specially displayed
Badder. He has never make Dirt all life and the guy makes a 360° before a enormous fall...Badder “no pain no game “ ;) The evening we are going to “chicha bar” in Hummer and Porshe bling bling...and beer without alcohol for everybody !! Great party !

Saturday 8 of december, all day, show on the park, halfpipe, flatland and on dirt tracks. To finish the event, all pro riders are riding together on the park, Fabiola, jeff, Ross, Benny, Jocke, Terence, Louis, Vinz and flatland riders Alex, Mathias etc... Nice show as the event ! Finalists can’t wait results and it is the time for them to take pics and to have sign of their stars...
Thanks to koweit for this event, thanks to the FISE team to promote extrem sports, thanks to the partners, Zain, Toyota, National Bank of Kuwait,… and special thanks to koweiti riders. We hope to see you next year for a new FISE KOWEIT !!!!
Anne Cecile Amirault BMX Results 1 Ali Amer
2 Khaled Al-Khalaf
3 Mansur
4 Hank Darrow
5 Bader
6 Yousef Al-Yagout
7 Abdulla Thyab
8 Sanad Rashed
9 Abdulla Al-Alban