The Snickers 180 contest at the Simpel Session was a short little intermezzo. The comp was held right before the Park/Street finals and riders did have the chance to warm up before sending themselves over the 50 centimeter high kicker. There was plenty of space to get speed but the rollback needed to be pulled. That was a problem for a few riders. It actually took a while before the first 180 was pulled. In the competition were a.o.
Rob Darden, Chase Hawk, Scotty Cranmer, Karl Poynter, Ty Morrow, Brad Simms , Garrett
Reynolds and if you consider
Matt Beringer’s backflip attempt, he was in the contest too. Man, he started flipping (out of the blue) and didn’t rotate any further than halfway. It was scary but Matt got back up limping and was out. He admitted later that “It was a bad idea”.
Favorite going in was Tyler Morrow. In practice he had shown some huge 180-s already and was one of the first ones to actually pull one. He was in the lead with a pulled 8,5 meter 180 jump for a long time until the time started running out. Garrett Reynolds topped the distance with a few centimeters and last attempts were coming from Tyler and also Brad Simms.

Tyler landed on his previous record a few times which wasn’t enough to pick up the € 750 check (that must be around $ 1800 USD these days haha). Brad Simms was sprinting towards the jump full speed. He sure has some power in his legs. He beat the distance, but did not pull the roll back.

A helmet was mandatory in the 180 contest and for good reason. A few riders smashed their buckets hard on the smooth concrete floor.
In the end Garrett Reynolds won the Snickers 180 contest.
Watch the 180 comp movie
by Jan Šaml