2nd. Reef Way
3rd. Josh Pethick
4th. Finlay Davies
5th. Donavon Hunt
The Pro contest had to be pushed to the Sunday due to the weather so we had a straight final. 19 riders stuck around and rode their best in the conditions. The usual faces of boardmasters Martyn Cooper, Ollie Palmer both had great runs with Flair turndowns and flair lookbacks respectively. Jude Jones just managed to get his run in after noticing he had a cracked frame so after a quick F1 style pit stop he managed to swap over frames and get his run done. Chris Nicol came over from Australia for a good time with the English crew and put in some great riding with Barspin flairs and double whips. James Jones narrowly missed out on the podium with great height flow and all round ramp use. Jack Clark took 3rd place in his typical Jack Clark style, back to back moves all across the ramp and never had a blank wall. 540 barspins and 540 table tops mixed in with some creative tech.
Mark Webb got second place by doing various tech all over the small sections with no pegs and then finishing the run with a clean corked 900 into a turndown flair then a flip fakie. Taking the win was Tom Justice, he had everything the judges were looking for, Height, Style Hard Tricks and Execution of tricks clicked fully like Turndowns, Table Flairs and also had a fufanu on the back rail mid run alongside 540 canadians and a Tailwhip to Footjam.
The rain spoiled the second runs so we stuck with the scores from run 1 and the best trick jam cancelled so we gave it to Jack Maguire who pulled a clean 540 tailwhip at height mid run.
Pro results:
1. Tom Justice
2. Mark Webb
3. Jack Clark
4. James Jones
5. Chris Nicol
6. Joe Fergurson
7. Martyn Cooper
8. Jack Maguire
9. Jude Jones
10. Oakley Way
11. Ollie Palmer
12. James Ross
13. Lee Carter
14. Joe Sproat
15. George Stafford
16. Billy Reeves
17. Alex Wheatley
18. Samuel Jones
19. Josh Webber
Best Trick:
Jack Maguire 540 Tailwhip
By Hank