Ricardo Laguna
Photos by: Josh Metz
Final results Extreme Thing 2009, Las Vegas.
1-Rob Dardon 90.83
2-Ryan Nyquist 90.66
3-Antony Napolitan 90.16 WON tie breaker with best lowest scores
4-Pat Laughlin 90.16
5-Ricardo Laguna 89.83
6-Luke parslow 89.33
7-Ricky Mosley 89.16

8-Mike Payne 84.66
9-Greg Watts 81.05
10-Josh Hult 75.6
11-Mark Rubio 66.05
12-Michael Clark 63.05
Qualifying scores:
1-Ryan Nyquist 90.66
2-Anthony Napolitan 90.5
3-Pat Laughlin 89.83
4-Michael Clark 89.5
5-Josh Hult 89
6-Ricky Moseley 88.66
7-Luke Parslow 88.5
8-Mark Rubio 87.83
9-Ricardo Laguna 87.66
10-Rob Darden 86.33
11-Greg Watts 86.16

12-Mike Payne 85.83
13-Ben Voyles 85.33
14-Colton Satterfield 85
15-Joey Cordova 84.66
16-Matt Closson 84.33
17Thomas Hancock 84.16
18-Caleb Norman 83.5
19-Lance Moseley 83.33 WON tie breaker with best lowest scores
20-Dustin (Radio) Nile 83.33
21-Ben Snowden 82
22-Demetrius Andrezjewski 81.83
23-Larry Edgar 81.66
24-TJ Ellis 81.33
25-Sean Logan 81 WON tie breaker with best lowest scores
26-Casey Joyce 81
27-Dustin McCarty 80.5
28-Nathan Miller 80.33 WON tie breaker with best lowest scores
29-Ryan Howard 80.33 WON tie breaker with best lowest scores
30-Dan Norvell 80.33

31-Jordan Blazvick 80
32-Jack Fogulquist 79.83
33-Patrick Casey 78
34-Jesse Turner 77.5
35-Victor Salazar 76.83
36-Kevin Peranza 76.66
37-Sam Stebila 76.16
38-Cory Nastazio 76.5 WON tie breaker with best lowest scores
39-AJ Anaya 76.5
40-Jesse Nickell 74.16 WON tie breaker with best lowest scores
41-Austin Coleman 74.16
42-Cameron McCaul 73.5
43-Mike Lakin 71.83
44-Tyler McCaul 70.66
45-Dennis Dessaintis 69.66
46-Ty Callias 68.66
47-Matt Cordova 67.16
48-Philip Toliver 66.66
49-Loren Laverine 64.16

50-Sean McAlpine 62.33
51-Isaac McNeal 58.66
52-Sergio Munoz 30

Josh Metz photos