The BMXINVASION BIKE BATTLE 4 "BIKE TO SCHOOL" contest went down at SKATE 57 PARK. BMX riders along with an enthusiastic crowd were on hand to take in all the fun and action. A great display of action packed riding was on the menue for the event. The youngster from Toms River NJ.
Garrett Reynolds took home the gold as he was busting out some difficult tricks. In second place another youngster who put on great display of bmx riding is
Ben Hittle. Falling into the third place position is
Phillip Kane. Fourth place went to
Andre Postell who was taking it hard on the flip whip but managed to recover with some cool riding.Our fifth place shredder is
Mike Fede who destroyed a few bikes today attempting to kill what ever came in the way of his front tire. Mike managed to get through the run with a few loner bikes.

Onto the expert class
Dustin Lee took first place and took home the Fit bike company frame with a bunch of goodies.
Mike Groff rode into second place followed by bmx promotions
Jeff Meade. Now we have the novices,
Dennis Drehar winner of this class did a fine job of riding, following in second place a ripper from Pennsylvania who goes by the name of
John "homan" Levine, nice job John.
Jim Purcell a brakeless rider scored big and fell right into third place.

Thanks to all the riders who showed up and supported this event.
A special tribute to the late pro bmx rider Joe Tiseo was also a part of this event. Ralph Sinisi from animal bikes presented a memorial plaque to the owners of skate 57 park in memory of Joe Tiseo. Joe's mother Anita was also present to join in with the bmx community to share this piece of bmx history with us all. Thanks Joe T for all you contributed to the sport of bmx and you will be remembered.

We would also like to thank all the sponsors for making this event possible. A special thanks goes out to a very busy Ernesto Rodriguez outa Dans Comp who was really running around the park capturing lots of action with his camera.
Contest results:
Thanks to all of our sponsors,friends and supporters who have supplied us with products for this contest. Chris Moeller and Sean McKinney from S&M bikes/Revenge Industries, Abe Ford and Ernesto Rodriguez from Dans competition, Rob-o from Fit bike co, Ralph Sinisi from Animal bikes, Marco from Props Visual, Mike McCafferty from ECD/Elite footwear, Leigh Ramsdel from Eastern bikes, Larry DiMeglio from Action wheels bike shop, George from Knight bmx co, Joe Rich and Taj Mihelich from Terrible one bikes, John Wannamaker from Kenda USA, Sean McCloughklin from Little Devil Brand and Orchid, Ryan and Candice from RNC mfg, Deuce from Deucebmx, Pat Haynes from BIKE LINK EVD Athletics, Stevo from Undisclosed clothing, Chris and Murph from Deadmemory clothing and Zack from Kink bikes. We at bmxinvasion would also like to thank the media for posting news and information about this event Achim from BMX-ZONE and Bart de Jong from FAT BMX and Keith Mulligan at Ride BMX, Rick Vigil from the rider directory thanks for your support.To those who couldn't make it to the event and contributed products we appreciate your support.