The Boneyard skatepark a.k.a 'the hall' has been on the scene for a long while now and has nurtured some of the best riders the uk has ever been home too; Jon Taylor, Owain Clegg and Alistair Whitton are all riders who have reaped the fruits of the boneyard. Althougth the park may be considered small by some, it features a flowing layout which once mastered is an effortless blast to pump around.
The Boneyard regularly hold good jams which go down a treat; Last Saturdays was no exception! Here's what went down...

The day started off in jam format and everyone had something different to bring to the park:
Jon Taylor was riding around busting his usual big x-ups on the 8ft quarter, fat gaps to toothpick hangers etc.
Owain Clegg made a few brief appearances and was busting smooth suicide drops, no foot nose manuals and lots of flow. Moonkmoor local
Jason 'Barry' Davies was ripping it up all day big tail-whips everywhere, opposite 360s on the volcanoes, flips, front wheel tricks, turndown to x-ups...crazy shit.
John Blundell (Bongo) was sporting a pink helmet and pink bike and was pulling tricks like tail-whip 360 nosepick to fakie.
Loz Taylor a North Wales local was reppin the street dogs with shit like roll-back to woppers, 180 barspins, half tail-whip half decade hops on the flatbank, tuck 360 hops all good shit.
Charlie 'Chazz' Lane was busting smooth 270s and nice inverts and
Gareth 'boner' Jones pulled some big fakie wallrides. There were also some really outstanding under 14s. One lad looked about five years old, maybe six, and he was busting smooth supermans over the jump box another lad was busting triple barspin manuals!

Later on in the afternoon they kicked off the comps. The main feature being the open/expert event.
Jason Davies (Barry) rode good but had few bad stacks which held him back in 5th place when the results came.
Loz rode super good pulling all his shit together and even managing a burly barspin drop of the street planter and a big icepick grind.
Sam Wood took first place with Turndown 360s, truckdrivers, Barspin to turndown, big transfers and lots of speed... Look out for this guy, he rips it up! All in all another good jam! The Whole Jam was filmed so expect Good film on
valleyside dvd when it's out!
Seventies, Vans, FIT, bicyle union, eastpack and Dave Mellors all supported the event. See you there next year!
Chris Smith
[url=]The Boneyard[/url] Results
1st Sam Wood
2nd Loz Taylor
3rd Anthony Watkinson
4th Paul Ryan
5th Jason Davies
16 and under
1st Shaun Mccracken
2nd Joe Baddeley
3rd Tom Smith
under 14's
1st Jake Norfolk
2nd Zack Williams
3rd Dean Cueson