-Website: textsfromlastnight.com

-Web video: Arik Elstran's crazy one from last year where he used the trampoline and stuff.
-Food: Doughnuts and ice cream.
-Travel destination: Any foreign country that is exotic and tropical with beautiful nature around.
-Riders to ride with: Terry Adams, Andrew Sanford, and any young kid with a lot of enthusiasm.
-Car: Right now a Mercedes-Benz C230 Kompressor.
-Movie: I hate movies.
-Colour: Blue
-Bike company: Odyssey
-Shoes: Fox Overload Deluxe High Tops and personalized Nike I.D. Air Max
-BMX contest: Simpel Session

-Bike shop: Epic (Westminster, California)
-Restaurant chain: Subway
-Clothing company: Fox
-Phone: iPhone…the only phone!
-Music: Chick bands.
-Ramp rider: Scotty Cranmer
-Street rider: Karl Poynter
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: Terry Adams
-Old school rider: Eddie Fiola
-Drink: Water
-Trick: Gaps, opposite feeble to 180, and x-up.
-BMX Magazine: Ride BMX, duh.
-BMX MC: Catfish

-Video game: Wolfenstein 3D on MS DOS.
-BMX photographer: Jeff Zielinski
-Girl: Jessica Simpson may be the hottest chick ever.
-Sport besides BMX: There are other sports besides BMX?
-Party: Orlando Dew Tour parties.