-Shoes: Nikes
-Bike company: Simplebike all day
-BMX contest: I think Simpelsession is a great contest and we have this annual Swedish contest called Lucia jam, always an awesome time there
-Bike shop: Childstore.se. Sweden's best bikeshop
-Restaurant chain: Hmm don't know. Max hamburgers?
-Clothing company: Carhartt clothing and Dubbmx
-Phone: IPHONEE! just got mine a week ago, and I'm so stoked.
-Music: I listen to all kinds of music
-Ramp rider: Scotty Cranmer
-Street rider: Corey Martinez
-Dirt rider: Corey Bohan
-Flatland rider: Andreas Lindqvist
-Drink: Don't know. Right now I'm drinking cheap Barcelona wine for 7 cents
-Trick: 360
-BMX Magazine: Ride UK
-BMX MC: Hmm don't know that many but Catfish is by far the best I know
-Video game: Paper toss on my iphone.
-BMX photographer: Rutger Pauw is really good
-Girl: all girls
-Sport besides BMX: snowboarding
-Party: Barcelona nightlife is crazy