Yes, we’re working on a signature frame right now. The first drawings have already been sent off to Taiwan. I should have my first prototype in about six weeks. There’s also going to be a whole line of signature completes, from entry level to high-end bikes. In addition I’m also designing a street-specific fork. Everything should be available for the 2007 season.

It’s great, because the KHE Headquarters are so close to my house. I must admit that living in Germany and riding for an American company can be difficult sometimes. I mean, I’m half-way around the world from the States, you know. With KHE I can hop on a train and be at the office in just under two hours. This is going to make our collaboration easy and efficient.

About three months ago I tore my MCL and meniscus at a contest in Portugal, and ever since I haven’t been able to ride. I just had surgery on my knee and should be back on my bike by Mid-January. The injury has left me with some time to kill, so I decided to go back to school to finish my degree in political science. I’m also working for AllRide Distribution, Soul Video Magazine and 360Grad Sportshop, as well as doing freelance work for Freedom Magazine and helping out with King Kong a bit. Oh, and I have a wonderful girl friend, too. My day is pretty full.
What events are you planning on visiting in 2006?
I’m pretty much just down for whatever. I can’t wait to ride again, so I think I’ll be hitting a lot of comps and jams next year. I haven’t really looked into it yet, but I’ll definitely go to the Rebel Jam in Berlin and the BMX Masters in Cologne. Hopefully I’ll make it to the Bike Show, the Backyard Jam and the Urban Games in England, too. I also want to go back to Portugal to take care of some unfinished business. For the last ten years I’ve been travelling a whole lot because of BMX and I don’t think 2006 is going to be any different.

I hope people will be stoked on my new frame. I’ll also do my best to design good quality, affordable complete bikes for KHE. I think people know that I’m in BMX for the long run and that I’m not doing things half-hearted. BMX is my life and I hope to be living the dream for years to come!