-Colour: Green
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: the Set bike co
-BMX contest: Simple Sessions
-Bike shop: Strictly Bmx shop in Melbourne
-Restaurant chain: Swiss Chalet
-Clothing company: Animal
-Phone: I don't even have one...
-Music: Oldies are the best..
-Ramp rider: Dennis Enarson
-Street rider: Garrett Reynolds
-Dirt rider: Chase Hawk
-Flatland rider: Catfish
-Old school rider: Taj
-Drink: Coca cola
-Trick: Nothings
-BMX Magazine: Ride
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: don't have one
-BMX photographer: anyone who rides as well
-Girl: my Wifey
-Sport besides BMX: Golf when I'm injured
-Party: Simple Sessions afterpartys were pretty wild.