riding everything
-BMX video: I always loved the Broke off video!
-Website: FATBMX lol, I love all websites that have to deal with bmx and internet skanks!
-Web video: Jaumell Campbell web edit
-Food: Chicken fried rice
-Travel destination: Los Angeles!
-Riders to ride with: Mikey V, Brandon Smeltzer, Joey Hill, the Beard, Ryan Weeks, and whoever loves to ride bikes!
-Car: 2005 mustang
-Movie: Napolean Dynamite will always be my favorite movie of all time
-Colour: Red
-Shoes: Lotek of course!
-Bike company: I definitely like what Cult has been doing lately.
-BMX contest: I admire all the pros that throw down tricks at big contests but I rather see riders just have fun and ride some street!
-Bike shop: I don't really have a favorite since we have like no legit bike shops in Cincinnati.
-Restaurant chain: Chipotle!
-Clothing company: It's a hard decision between Shadow and Stranger, both companies make some pretty interesting designs.
-Phone: Blackberry Curve for sure!
-Music: Rap
-Ramp rider: Tom Dugan
-Street rider: Hard decision between Josh Betley, Seth Kimbrough,and Shane Weston.
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken all day
-Flatland rider: Terry Adams
-Old school rider: I would have to say the Beard
-Drink: 5- hour energy
-Trick: One footed hang nothing
-BMX Magazine: Ridebmx!
-BMX MC: Catfish
-Video game: Gta San Andreas
-BMX photographer: Devon Denham!
-Girl: White girls till the day I die!
-Sport besides BMX: Skateboarding for sure
-Party: Yes, all night long?