Do you break a lot of parts? Not really, I snapped my last frame a couple of weeks ago, but usually my bike runs ok. I buckle my wheels a bit though.
Where do ride most? At [url=//fatbmx.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=501]Upton skatepark [/url]which is Ben Manuel's skatepark and I try and get to The Works in Leeds at the weekend.
Do you remember how you got into BMX? I just thought it would be cool having seen the X-games and Gravity games on t.v.

How long ago did you learn Flairs? A couple of months ago at the works.
Do you think you will have opposite flairs down by the time this gets published? Haha probably not. I can't do it in my head yet though never mind on a bike, but it's a trick I would like to learn.
What sort of tricks/runs are you planning at the moment? Flipwhips, Frontflips, Wallride to flair.... stuff like that and loads of other little tech stuff.
Do your friends at school know how good you are at riding BMX? Kind of, but they don't really understand it.
What's your view on foam pits? Do you ride them often? They are cool in that you can learn stuff without dying, but I never get to ride them. The nearest one is in Bristol which is a 4 hour drive away.
Tell us a bit about your problem with competitions? You were saying a lot of them are rider invites only nowadays! Which closes doors for a lot of up and coming riders on the scene. Yeah, I want to ride NASS and Urban and a few comps like that, but I can't because it's invite only. It would be better if it was like the Backyard jam, but I heard they are having qualifiers for NASS this year so that should be ok.
Do you get a chance to ride with many riders that are both the same level and same age as your self? I usually ride on my own, but there are a lot of good riders round here. The trend round here though is pegless tech stuff, but I prefer to flow around so I usually ride my own thing.

If you could choose one rider to go riding with daily who would it be? Morgan Wade.
Flair or Corkscrew? Either
Bestwick Or Mirra? Bestwick
Miron or Hoffman? Hoffman
Brakes or no-brakes? brakes
Fav Band? The Jimi Hendrix experience!
Are you planning to hit up Woodward at all in the next couple of years? I went last year with a friend and I would love to go again, but I can't afford it.
What are your goals for the future Liam? To carry on riding and playing the guitar. Been playing guitar for about 8 years now.
Finally, anyone you want to thank? Any shout out's? My mum and dad for taking me places and helping out with money for stuff. Also, my friends for being friends and you for the interview.
Interview by: Chris@Valleyside
Pics: Josh Bertie and Liam's dad