What's up with 1904?
Hoang: 1904 just means San Diego (S is the 19th and D is the 4th letter in the alphabet) and I've been working on a video for 1904 but all my footage is going to other places...I guess it's for the better though.

Hoang: Well I guess I really can't do either so I would say grow a mustache and do tuck no handers haha...but I'm sure I have better chances in doing a no handed front flip cause I've been trying to grow a beard for at least my whole life with no success, all I do is grow dumb mustaches and peach fuzz on my chin.
What's the secret to fixing a dusty car that won't start?
Hoang: Well first you have Albert M. and Gary Y. look at it and try to actually fix it, then you just dust off a part of the car, give it a nice hard kick, and put a huge dent in it and blamo! your car will work again.
When you ever get a signature frame, is it going to be yellow?
Hoang: I think if they said my signature frame had to be yellow I would just ask to not have a signature frame haha...it's not really the color yellow that bugs me it's just I'm deathly afraid of mustard and when I see yellow I see mustard and wanna throw up.

Hoang: Haha yea that's what I figured... I usually ride Clairmont skatepark, trails when they're running, and the streets of San Diego.
What parks in your area are bike friendly?
Hoang: There's one and a half... a fun wooden park with possibly the longest name ever "Kruass family ymca Clairmont skatepark," that is amazing and the half is Santee which is the size of a McDonald's bathroom and goes up hill towards the hips and down hill into a wall, but we always have a lot of fun there somehow.

Hoang: I go to school and do odd jobs here and there.
What does your bike set-up look like?
Hoang: Probably the best bike I've ever had... just Kink and Oddysey everything with Sunday Triumph bars.
Does weight matter to you?
Hoang: I used to care when I was younger cause I couldn't lift a can of soda pop but now that I'm all grown up, kind of, I just rather things not break.
Are you someone who wants to know what's the latest in BMX or don't you care?
Hoang: I love bmx so I love reading about it, seeing all the photos and knowing who's doing the crazy stuff so yeah I like to know what's goin' down.

Hoang: Chris Hervan, Steve Woodward, Josh Hayes, Kyle Hart, Albert but that means I probably have to pick him up if my car is working haha, Dennis,...pretty much anyone in San Diego that rides.
Who can you call at 10pm in the evening to go party?
Hoang: My friends Matt Chafe, Style Heat, Hervan, but pretty much anyone in the 1904.
What's one of your favorite videos?
Hoang: Sooo many good ones but my all time favorite is Little Devil's Criminal Mischief and as of right now Vult 4,5,6.

Hoang: Road trips hands down. I like the other things a lot too but nothing like getting in a car with friends you love, your bike and a camera. I just love seeing new places and riding new spots.
When's the next session going to be?
Hoang: Right after I finish this cupcake I'm eating.
Last words: Just wanna say thanks to my friends Ryan Mitchell, Ryan Sher, Woodward, Hart, Hervan, Ryan Fudger, Hayes, Aaron Nardi at vult, Albert, Tyler Coleman, Munklebud, Henry at East County bmx, Chafe, any photographer that has shot me but mainly Kyle Carlson, Josh Hayes and Jordan Snyder and everyone in the 1904. Also the sponsors: Kink and Kronik. I would be nowhere without all my friends. And of course FATBMX for this opportunity! Sorry if I forgot anyone that cares.
Most photos by: Josh Hayes
[url=http://www.kinkbmx.com/clips/hoangNose.mov]Nosewheely clip: KinkBMX[/url]