-Colour: Green
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Deluxebmx
-BMX contest: Vans Kill The Line
-Bike shop: Paul's Boutique
-Restaurant chain: grill master
-Clothing company: Fox Racing
-Phone: no touchscreen
-Music: depends what I'm doing
-Ramp rider: Ruben Alcantara
-Street rider: Ruben Alcantara
-Dirt rider: Tom Robinson, Ruben Alcantara, Mike Aitken, Chase Hawk
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois, only one I now by name
-Old school rider: Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Bier
-Trick: Moto whips!
-BMX Magazine: Dig, Soul, Albion, Case
-BMX MC: Daryl!!
-Video game: Roadrash - Nintendo 64 hahah
-BMX photographer: Bart
-Girl: one that makes me koffie in the morning
-Sport besides BMX: to watch motocross bwaap!
-Party: The party at Burck trails jam this summer, super chill!