-Colour: any SBD paint job
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Hoffman
-BMX contest: Rom jam, Rebel jam, anywhere in a hot country
-Bike shop: www.radbmxshop.co.uk
-Restaurant chain: Nandos
-Clothing company: Vans
-Phone: iphone
-Music: biggie the sword OFWGTA
-Ramp rider: Hennon and too many to mention
-Street rider: Chad Kerley, Enarson and AK
-Dirt rider: Geoff Slattery, Chris Doyle, Dane Searls, Hucker and Rushmoore
-Flatland rider: Mole rat
-Old school rider: SBD, Mat Hoffman
-Drink: Dessy B
-Trick: grizz
-BMX Magazine: Albion
-BMX MC: Catfish, DJ and Ian Stokes
-Video game: Dave Mirra
-BMX photographer: Dunc, Robi n Pearson Bakos, Nick Hayday {bmxmdb}
-Girl: Katie Pea head
-Party: any with the crew FTL