Do you ride with others or is it mainly you working on your own tricks?

Is it a relief for you from working in the music studio?
Jacqueline: Yes 100% it's a relief from almost everything that has been a struggle for me, mentally and it's an amazing work out, I don't need to go to the gym as the last few months of riding has completely transformed my body. I love it. I have a very strong connection with Flatland for personal reasons, starting out helped me at a time where I really needed a distraction.

Jacqueline: I haven't been doing many lately as all my time has been in the studio in Madrid working on new music. Next year will be a big year of gigs for me. It's a long process and I spend a lot of time writing music for myself and other artists.
Does your bike come along for the shows?
Jacqueline: It hasn't so far but it will be in my new video and will come on stage with me from now onwards! I'm working on a trick that I can sing and hold a mic at the same time.. haha Will try it out at the next Music festival I do as they have the biggest stages and plenty of room..

Jacqueline: 100% through my friends, they have been super supportive and if it wasn't for people like Sergio Layos, Fernando Bayona, Viki Gomez and all the other Madrid Riders I wouldn't have ever got into Flatlanding. I also stay updated by TCU, Watching my friends' edits etc.
Have you ever performed at a BMX event?
Jacqueline: No, I'm not at the level to perform yet, I don't think I will ever be interested in competition because I just wanna ride for myself because I enjoy it. But you never know what can happen in the future! I've been riding very hard almost every single day..
Where can people check out your work?

Jacqueline: facebook.com/jacquelinenix
youtube.com/jacquelinenixbmx (My video blog since I started learning)
Which trick do you want to learn?
Jacqueline: Anything that I think is too hard and that I could never do.

Jacqueline: I would love to meet Dennis McCoy and get some lessons from him! He's one of my favourite Old School riders..
Last words?
Jacqueline: Ride bmx for fun!
Photos by Ellen Duffy, Hosier Lane, Melbourne Australia/Chris Mannion/Selector Marx