Bruno: Not really to be honest, I only lived there for a couple months so I can´t remember. I always liked the city but never really got a chance to spend more than a weekend there so I was excited to check it out.
What was the project like?
Bruno: Basically I had a nice apartment right in the city, and invited a lot of friends over to go ride every day haha. The city has so much to offer that i felt it was about time to explore Germanys capitol briefly. We pretty much just went out everyday to go ride and explore the different areas.

Bruno: The list is pretty long and starts with my good friends Mario and Kicza, Slayer and Janek, Lantschner but also my brother and his crew from Siegen. Matthias Dandois and Anthony Perrin came over from France, too. The list is too long, but you´ll see in the edit who all showed up.
Does Berlin have much to offer as far as spots are concerned?
Bruno: Yeah Berlin definitely has a lot of spots to offer, just not really in the city, more in the outside areas. So it was kind of a pain in the ass to go out all the way. At the end it was absolutely worth it, especially with all the Communistic architecture in the Eastern Parts of the City. Rails, Rails, Rails!

Bruno: Nah not really to be honest. The cities are completely different and so is the vibe. Spotwise BCN definitely has more crazy spots, but Berlin is still up there. I wouldn´t define Berlin as the next BMX hotspot still, just because everything is spread out but it definitely has its very own charme, like spotwise. I love the raw style!
What were your three favourite spots in Berlin to ride street?
Bruno: That's too hard to say after 2 months of riding different spots almost every day. But pretty much everything in Marzahn was sick! To be honest I think we went to so many good spots that it’s impossible to just define 3 now.

Bruno: It felt like home after just a couple days, so that was pretty cool. Also just chilling, as well as partying at the awesome place in the center of Berlin was nice… At the same time it kinda sucked because it made it really hard to leave.
Did you do much cooking, laundry and cleaning in the 2 month stay?
Bruno: Haha yeah actually I did. The apartment was on the 7th floor so it was a little bit annoying to go down just for a snack. I rather went shopping once a week and then just cooked and chilled after coming back from riding.

Bruno: Definitely RedBull for hooking it up with the place, and Claudi for checking it. Also thanks to Marc and Tom for showing us around, as well as Mayol for being a sick roommate. Also I’d like to thank everyone who came over to ride and chill, thanks for making the experience such a good one!
Everyone keep your eyes peeled for the main edit in about two weeks. I’m really excited about it, and I hope you guys too!
Pics by Red Bull Content pool. Mayol/Merlin Czarnulla