-Travel destination: Malaga, I'd like to visit my bros Fernando and Antonio Laczko over there.
-Web video: Alex Kennedy Dig Israel edit
-Food: Pizza
-Car: no, but soon
-Shoes: NIKE
-Bike company: Wethepeople bmx
-BMX contest: Simpel Session
-Bike shop: 2FOUR7, Deepend bmx, both from Frankfurt
-Restaurant chain: McDonald's
-Clothing company: NIKE
-Phone: Iphone
-Music: Rap, Hip-Hop
-Trick: Unlucky grind
-BMX Magazine: Freedom Bmx!
-Video game: Skate 3
-BMX photographer: Merlin Czarnulla, XMX at Freedom bmx
-BMX Filmer: Ben Francke
-Girl: no
-Party: Yes of course anywhere with my homies

-Ramp rider: Kriss Kyle
-Street rider: Simone Barraco, Alex Kennedy, Bruno Hoffmann
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Website: Wethepeoplebmx.de, fettarmemilch.com, freedombmx.de
-BMX photographer: Merlin Czarnulla, XMX from Freedom bmx