-BMX video: This Is United
-Website: TCU
-Web video: Too many out there but I'll go with Drew B's Joyride edit
-Food: Banana pancakes or anythig from bananas
-Riders to ride with: all my homies and they know who they are
-Car: not yet haha
-Shoes: Vans or etnies
-Bike company: Superstar Bmx
-BMX contest: Simple Session
-Bike shop: ParBmx
-Restaurant chain: Subway
-Clothing company: Second Hand
-Phone: Samsung Note 2
-Music: Rock/Metal and bit of everything

-Ramp rider: Dennis Enarson
-Street rider: Ed Zunda
-Dirt rider: Mike Aitken
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Hoffman
-Drink: orange juice
-Trick: oppo whip
-BMX Magazine: The Albion
-BMX photographer: Z
-BMX filmer: Janis Cunculis
-Girl: My Girl
-Sport besides BMX: skateboard
-Party: outdoor partys