Mike: You mean the Trans Am, Camaros are for pussies, it's in the process of being restored so it doesn't even have a seat let alone a baby seat.... but when the time is right I'm handing it on down the line for him to enjoy.
Is it harder for you to leave the house?
Mike: No, I just adapted to the new lifestyle and spend as much time with my family as possible, I see them way more than I would with a nine to five.

Mike: Probably a couple of them, there's one in Salt Lake this year so that should be fun. I just don't like to overdo it. If I go to all of them I get burned out.... It's way too organized.
How often do you ride Berringer's yard?
Mike: As often as I can. It depends on the time of year but usually three or four times a month, he doesn't live that close to me.
Is Fuzzy's yard still rideable?
Mike: No, he is moving I think.
How is Utah treating you, enough riders?
Mike: Utah always treats me right thats why I haven't moved, there's always someone who is down to ride.

Mike: Not since I got into snowmobiling.
What else do you like to spend time on besides riding?
Mike: Family, snowmobiling, working on my car, building things around the house, and using my hands for various reasons.
How many different colours did your bike have over the last 12 months?
Mike: We try to come out with a new color way and graphics every six months, but sometimes we do two color ways in six months.
Do you care about the looks of your bike?
Mike: Definitely, if it's ugly I don't even want to look at it let alone ride it.

Mike: Most of the time if something is loose or rattling it drives me nuts, sometimes on the road my bike gets pretty haggard though.
You're on Fox now aren't you?
Mike: Yes I am, I 'm looking forward to it.
What are your favorite type of events?
Mike: Anything laid back
The least favorite?
Mike: Strict events
Are you coming over to Europe any time soon?
Mike: I hope so, but not that I know of.
Last words: Enjoy the ride. Pics: PdJ/BdJ/Dew AST