ahah it's dificult to choose one.

-Website: vitalbmx suppose
-Web video: Tammy MacCarley blnt spring 2013
-Rider on Twitter: have no twit
-Person on Instagram: @natgeo ahah I love documentaries
-Food: mom's food
-Travel destination: I have never travelled with my bmx but I want to visit Malaga, Spain
-Riders to ride with: all my homies, Aaron Maqueda, Juanka, Borja Salgado, Albert Castro, Guillem Prat, Kevin Bernal, Alex Gomez..
-Car: Chrysler 300 c is my dream aahah
-Movie: 8 mile Eminem
-Colour: green
-Shoes: Nike to ride in

-BMX contest: speed fest castellar
-Bike shop: ravet bike
-Clothing company: Decathlon clothing, it's cheap aahah
-Phone: Sony Experia sp
-Music: hiphop and Spanish guitar
-Ramp rider: Drew Bezanson
-Street rider: Tammy Macarley, Sean Sexton, Garret
-Dirt rider: Dennis Enarson
-Old school rider: Ryan Nyquist

-Drink: whisky
-Trick: barspin
-BMX Magazine: In Spain we never see bmx magazines ahha
-BMX Filmer: Dakota Roche
-Girl: brunette's
-Party: fiestas mayores