-Website: All bmx sites, and deff WSHH I spend hours on that some days.
-Web video: Anything Harry Main puts out, and any sick park/street stuff.
-Rider on Twitter: Mark Webb
-Person on Instagram: Aj Anaya
-Food: Been eating as healthy as possible lately. Me and my girlfriend go all out when we make dinner.
-Travel destination: I've been wanting to go to California for EVER! so there and anywhere in the world really. I loved traveling.
-Riders to ride with: So many. First of all my mentor you can say Hector 'terremoto' Restrepo, Will Tallameli, Matt Decola, Justin Spear, Chris Boustead, Kevin Ruiz
-Car: Looking for a new one to buy at the moment
-Movie: Back to The Future
-Colour: All my clothes are black or gray. But I like Purple, or a bright blue
-Shoes: Vans
-Bike company: Haro Bikes

-BMX contest: Just went to my first transjam this past weekend and had a ton of fun. Got 13th
-Bike shop: Tonys Bikes
-Restaurant chain: Applebees aka "Assholebeads"
-Clothing company: Heal Clothing
-Phone: Rocking an HTC ONE I was over the iPhone, it sucks.
-Music: Anything really but mainly Reggae, Rock, Dance music, and some Spanish music
-Ramp rider: Harry Main or Pat Casey
-Street rider: Either Garret Reynolds, or Chad Kerley
-Dirt rider: Hucker or Mark Mulville
-Flatland rider: Matthias Dandois
-Old school rider: Brian Terrada
-Drink: Water, Narragansett, Jack and Coke
-Trick: Three whips
-BMX Magazine: Ride Bmx
-BMX MC: Catfish and Darryl
-Video game: I'm not really into video games

-BMX Filmer: Matt Decola and Will Tallameli they always have made everyone's edits look so dope.
-Girl: My girlfriend of course
-Sport besides BMX: Uuhh hiking if that counts. I love nature and being in it.
-Party: PSSHHH don't ask me twice!